Friday Fanfare: April 17th >>> (A) Sunday, 4/19 Plan (B) Rector’s Bible Study ‘zooming’ (C) Help needed with Shepherd’s Pantry

When we Blessed the Shepherd’s Pantry

Dear Good Shepherd Parish Family,
Hope all is well in your household, and that you are not  – yet –  stir-crazy!  
One of the consolations of restricted freedom of movement during the pandemic is the available time to spend in prayer and meditation with the Lord.  To recommend some good books?  Well:  first and foremost,  The HOLY BIBLE.  Take the extended time to read a book of the Old or New Testament start to finish.  Read it meditatively, asking the Lord to help your mind/heart settle on the verse(s) He wants to speak through to you.  Take your time.  Enjoy the time with God.  If you are a reflective sort, write down any insights, inspirations, etc. after your readings.
Additionally:  here are some highly recommended books:
Practicing the Presence of God,  by Brother Lawrence
Mere Christianity, by C. S. Lewis
Sacrament of the Present Moment, by Jean-Pierre de Cassuade
These three are short reads, but deeply insightful.
Now:  as to “What’s up at GSAC”….Here we go….


(A) SUNDAY, APRIL 19TH PLANAs with the past three Sundays, GSAC will pre-record the Sunday Mass tomorrow afternoon.  Then, tomorrow evening, I’ll send the link,etc., for your view and worship with our YouTube presentation on Sunday.  Feel free to share the link with friends, family, enemies, anybody.  It might surprise you that- in the current moment- folk who might not come to the Church building, might be willing to view the Church’s worship service on-line.  Maybe, start with family members…then think of others with whom you can share.(B) RECTOR’S BIBLE STUDY “ZOOMING”Tuesday mornings at 11 a.m., GSAC has its weekly “Rector’s Bible Study”.  We will return to a Zoom class this coming Tuesday.  However, on the first Tuesday…4/21/20…I have a doctor’s appointment I must go to…so:  we will “Zoom” at 1 pm. on 4/21 only.  On subsequent weeks, we will return to the 11 a.m. hour.On Monday, I will send out an invitation to everyone on this list.  Please feel free to join in.  Have your Bibles turned to the Book of Isaiah.  The class lasts only an hour, and we try to keep it informal.Come one, come all!(C) HELP NEEDED FOR ‘SHEPHERD’S PANTRY’Two years ago, GSAC began a food pantry ministry on campus called “Shepherd’s Pantry”.  It is the only 24/7 pantry still operating in Granbury.  No ID is required…no one must show their “qualifications” to receive.  It is a simply “honor system” pantry.  Our very own Gary Cox built the sturdy and attractive building.  He and his wife Debra- along with Jim and Kathy Hanlon- have maintained the pantry for the past 24 months.  Some of you have begun to contribute financially.  Others drop off non-perishable food stuffs from time to time.  Thank you soooo much!  We are in need of as much help as we can get during this Pandemic.  The Pantry is no sooner filled than emptied within 24-36 hours.  So:  if you are looking for a way to help, we sure need you!You may write a check payable to “GSAC” with a memo line “Shepherd’s Pantry fund”.  You may drop off foodstuffs at the parish hall door or at the foot of the pantry.  
God bless each of you who can share!


Please know that you are in my prayers.  Do not hesitate to call me at (817) 894-1756 if you’d like to talk.  I am nearly always available.
Let’s keep praying through this extraordinary season.  Soon…we hope to announce a return to Sunday “Live” services!!
In Christ,
Fr. Stuart Smith