On Sunday, January 3rd, we saluted our dear friend, Fr. David Cardona for an important milestone in his ministry: 30 years ordained to the sacred priesthood of Christ’s one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Fr. Smith presented Fr. David with a very special certificate of appreciation, with the signatures and sentiments of many of us …

An Invitation to our New Confirmation Preparation Class

This is your special invitation to be part of the Confirmation Preparation Class at Good Shepherd Anglican Church.  (Our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Ryan Reed, will be at GSAC on Sunday, February 14th, 2021 for his annual visitation and confirmation of all candidates prepared to receive the Sacrament of Holy Confirmation.) You are receiving this …

Friday Fanfare: September 4th (A) YouTube Mass back 9/05 (B) Mary the Virgin: Labor of Love (C) Card of Thanks from Judy Hankins

Dear Good Shepherd Parish Family (and friends),At last, the drought has been broken here in North Texas, with close to 5 inches falling in some folks’ yards!  And, simultaneously, when this deluge comes in September, the Summer’s iron grip of 100+ degrees heat is usually vanquished (yes, please, Lord, let it be!).  Yet, as the …


Projects for Small Groups WEEKLY PROJECTS: §  Disinfect Pews and door handles in the Church Bldg. §  Disinfect Parish Hall  o   Kitchen o   tables, chairs, door handles o   Classrooms o   Offices §  Outside sign – change message  AS NEEDED PROJECTS: §  Make Anglican Prayer Beads  §  Assemble Guest Bags for visitors  §  Update Bulletin Board in Parish Hall Yes, I will. Signed:  __________________________________________ Dear Friends, …

Friday Fanfare: August 7th >>> (A) “What I Hope to do on my Vacation”(B) YouTube hiatus (and were to “go” on 8/15 & 8/22

Dear Good Shepherd Parish Family (and friends)- Greetings! It looks like school days will indeed come to North Texas (at least Granbury’s part) next week.  This season of “Covid” has put many of us on tinter-hooks about almost everything we have taken for granted in years past:  “Will there be professional sports?”;  “Will there be a …

Friday Fanfare: July 31st >>> (A) Ryan Robert Barber, R.I.P. (B) The Pattern of our Worship

Dear Good Shepherd Parish Family,We’ve just about run out of July, and that means- maybe- only another 30-45 days of summer left!!I hope that each of you is enjoying good health, and hopefully, beginning to feel like you can test your wings and fly into GSAC for an in-person worship service.  It has been gratifying to …

Friday Fanfare: June 12th – Listening Groups et al.

(A) “Listening Groups” scheduled for Saturday, 6/20, beginning at 9 a.m. (B) Malawi diocese celebrating 25 years! (C) Camp Crucis summer camp drawing near Dear Good Shepherd Parish Family (and friends),I greet you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! As Summer begins to percolate, here’s …

Friday Fanfare: June 5th Communion in Both Kinds? Yes. Intinction? No.

Dear Good Shepherd Parish Family,Greetings to each of you!Here’s hoping that you and yours are healthy, happy, and looking forward to joining your parish family- in person- as we worship the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit this coming Trinity Sunday.Our Sunday morning attendance numbers have been increasing, as more and more of you …