Friday Fanfare – 12/6/19

Dear GSAC family,What a beautifully mild Friday we are enjoying here in North Texas!Let no one say, “We had no autumn this year”…because it’s happening right now!  Thank God for Texas autumns…in December!!Let’s move on to Advent and beyond!!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (A) TOMORROW’S VIBRANT QUIET DAY:  8 A.M. TO NOONTomorrow at 8 a.m., we will begin four …

A “First Communion” Sunday!

In the good old, bad old Days, Anglican Christians waited until their Confirmation before they received their 1st Holy Communion.  The logical (but not “theological”) reasoning was that until a person reached the  ‘age of accountability’ (variously said to be 12 or 13 yrs. old), that person could not receive the mysteries of Christ’s Body …

Our New Bishop Coadjutor

The Rt. Rev. Ryan S. Reed was consecrated to be Bishop Coadjutorof the Diocese in a service Saturday, Sept. 21, at ArborlawnUnited Methodist Church in Fort Worth before a congregationof more than 1200 clergy, lay people, and guests. Plano, TX – Late afternoon on Friday, June 14, the Anglican Church in North America’s College of …

Our new Candlesticks!

Today, Bishop Iker blessed the wonderful new Retable and Altar Candlesticks for our Historic Chapel next to Acton Cemetery. (3600 Fall Creek Hwy., Granbury, TX 76049)One of our assisting priest, Fr. Bill Bloodgood handcrafted these wonderful items. First picture is of Fr. Stuart Smith, Rector of Good Shepherdwith Bishop Iker, and Fr. Bill Bloodgood.The final photo …

Fr. Tom Hightower visited Good Shepherd

Last Sunday, the 23rd of June our Parish was blessed to have guest preacher and celebrant, Fr. Tom Hightower. Father Tom, long-time rector of the Church of Saint Peter & Saint Paul in Arlington, Texas (now retired), assists, as his availability allows, the Sunday services and teaching Adult Christian Education classes.  He has been active …