Sunday Mass at GSAC: The Day of Pentecost, 5/31/20

Worship for the Pentecost Sunday is available on YouTube:  Pentecost Sunday
NOTE:  Please wear your Red for Pentecost…at home or as you come to the Church tomorrow.  As you know, wearing Red is our sign of openness to receiving the Fire of the Gospel as we enter into the Holy Spirit’s influence on the Day of Pentecost.
Here is the Lectionary for Pentecost
And on the Home page: On our Web Page
It is also available on Facebook

BISHOP’S PASTORAL LETTER During the Mass tomorrow, I will read the Pastoral Letter concerning the Texas Supreme Court decision.  Please read Bp. Reed’s Letter carefully, as it includes spiritual direction, as well as information about the TSC decision.  After reading it out tomorrow, I will- as the Bishop requests- lead the parish in a Litany of Penitence and prayers for renewal of our life in the Diocese.  (The location of these prayers in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer are at the bottom of the Bishop’s Letter).  Here is that Letter:

Bishop’s Letter — Pastoral_May2020.pdf

For those who would like to make their Spiritual Communion at the time of receiving communion, here is the link for that:
Spiritual Communion

We will continue to pre-record these Masses indefinitely.  I hope that many of you will soon consider coming to the Main Church for Sunday Mass.  On June 7th, we will not only celebrate Mass at our usual 9:15 a.m. time, but also re-instate refreshment time and Christian Formation classes in the Parish Hall.

Additionally, beginning on June 7th, GSAC will reinstate Communion in both kinds, with the Bishop’s expressed approval.  So, from that day forward, we will offer the Common Cup to whoever would like to receive it.More on that next week.

One Last Note:
Our Parish has been a key contributor to the Mission of the Holy Spirit in our companion diocese…the Diocese of Northern Malawi (“DNM”) in Africa.  I’m asking that each of us make a special, separate contribution to Malawi, as they celebrate their 25th anniversary as an Anglican diocese during the month of June.  Please make you check out to “GSAC”, with a memo notation:  DNM-25th anniversary.  Thank you in advance for your generosity!

God bless you.
Love in Christ, and in the Holy Spirit…
Fr Smith