Friday Fanfare: July 31st >>> (A) Ryan Robert Barber, R.I.P. (B) The Pattern of our Worship

Dear Good Shepherd Parish Family,
We’ve just about run out of July, and that means- maybe- only another 30-45 days of summer left!!
I hope that each of you is enjoying good health, and hopefully, beginning to feel like you can test your wings and fly into GSAC for an in-person worship service.  It has been gratifying to hear that many of you have appreciated the pre-recorded “YouTube” Masses.  Obviously, though, there is no good substitute for actually being present for one another, and actually receiving the Blessed Sacrament.  My hope is that many of you who have been sheltering-in during July might consider coming to the Church house.  Perhaps, if you are not ready for Sunday mornings, come on a Tuesday morning at 10 a.m….or to Wednesday night’s 6:30 pm Mass. Either of those weekday Masses would be a smaller…safer venue for attending in person.  Try it…you might like it!

(A) RYAN ROBERT BARBER, Rest in Peace Ryan Barber- son of Ray and Marti Barber- died July 16th in a Colorado Springs, CO hospital, lovingly attended by his mother. Tomorrow, Saturday, August 1st at 2 pm we will offer a Memorial Mass in the Main Church for Ryan.  Since we are expecting folk from outside Hood County to be present, I have decided to distribute the Communion in one Kind for this Memorial Mass, so as to minimize the Covid-19 transmission.   After the Mass, we will gather in the parish hall for light refreshments, provided by our ACW. (Thank you…ladies!)
Please keep the Barbers in your prayers, as they commend their dear son to the Love and Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

(B) from the 8/02 Bulletin’s “Flock Talk”:  “THE PATTERN OF OUR WORSHIP”:


Today’s Gospel Lesson (Mt. 14:13-21) presents a Day in the Ministry Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  When we read the three synoptic Gospel Accounts, we get a pattern of Our Lord’s public ministry.  It goes something like this:

A  Jesus gathers those who come to Him and teaches them about the Kingdom

B  Jesus heals the sick and casts out demonic powers from those who are heavy laden with pain, suffering and the harassment of the evil one.

C  Jesus feeds those who have come to Him, and they eat their fill from His provision.

Interestingly, this is the same pattern we have in our public worship:

a.     We gather in the nave of the Church, and prepare to hear God’s Word, which is read and preached to us.

b.     We have our wounds of heart, mind and spirit bound up when we lift our Prayers up to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

c.      We offer up the Bread of Life & the Cup of Salvation through the Priest during the blessing of Communion, receiving Jesus’ promised Body and Blood as the pentacle of our worship time together.

This pattern of ministry and worship reveals our triune God’s concern for our three-fold nature, and its needs:     1. We have spirits that need inspiration and redirection

                              2. We have minds that need holy instruction and teaching

                              3.  We have bodies that need healing & feeding with Christ’s Gifts

So, Good Shepherd parish family, this Day is yet another Day of drawing close to Jesus our Savior and Lord.  Again, we are called to attend to Him and be filled and set free.  Alleluia!

Fr. Stuart Smith